Variety is the Spice of Life

Week 4 Post:

Are you tired of boring meals?  Sick of cooking food that is flat in flavor and you don’t know how to utilize spice to make it fantastic?  We are here to save the day.  As master spice mixers, we will share our recipes, teach you how to use spice and add variety to your life.

We are all about empowering the inner chef in all of us, with simple, yet delicious ideas that will leave everyone saying “that was amazing!”  If you are ready to command the kitchen, we are here to help.


4 comments on “Variety is the Spice of Life

  1. cparks08 says:

    Can’t wait to see what ideas you post on here! I love cooking with spices just never have the ideas of how to combine them.

  2. temperance brown says:

    I am seriously finding it difficult to find the right spices to put in my food. for example spaghetti I love spaghetti but can’t find the right spices , what I usually put in are Italian seasonings, paprika, cumin, and chili powder…. it always tastes like its missing something. could use some input if you have the time…. thanks !
    Temperance Brown

    • spicechicks says:

      Week 4 Reply

      Hello Temperance,

      Try eliminating the cumin and add red wine (just a simple table wine is fine), cumin has a very earthy taste and if added in higher volumes can take on a “dirt” flavor. Add more basil than your italian blend provides and a touch of brown sugar. If you bake your marinara, consider adding 2 bay leaves during the baking process and remove them once the sauce is done. Bay leaves cannot be digested so they are only for use when the sauce is cooking. I strongly recommend adding Hunt’s diced tomatoes to your blend if you don’t already. They are deeper in color and have a richer flavor then other brands. Hope this helps!



      • thammo04 says:

        thank you , i will try this on my next spaghetti dinner. this is great now how about Pizza dough and pizza sauce? got any ideas? let me know… greatly appreciate your ideas!
        temperance brown

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